Welcome to Reál County Church - Please Join Us!
The Reál County church follows the pattern of the church found in the New Testament. Our worship and practices are taken solely from Biblical command and example. Thus, we do not accept any man made doctrine or creed and are completely independent from any other church.
We are not a part of any denomination or centrally-governed religious group. We are simply Christians. Our single goal is to serve Christ by keeping His commandments, and upon His return, be joined with Him forever in Heaven.
If you are interested in learning more about why we practice these things or would like to study the Bible with us, join us for one of our meetings, or contact us
Meeting Times
Sunday Morning Bible Study : 10:00 am
Sunday Morning Worship: 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Worship : 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening Bible Study : 7:00pm
First Wednesday of Every Month is Singing : 7:00pm
Who We Are - Our Vision for the Reál County Church
Recognizing fully our shortcomings,
we hold this vision of what we should be and what we want to be: |
Committed |
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a church where every member is committed to serve the Lord Jesus
Our Lord Jesus is the reason for our being and our salvation. Our allegiance is first and foremost
to the Lord, above self and above the group. We show this by the way we live day by day. |
Worshipful |
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a church that praises and worships God heartily
We express our praise and worship to God not only in the way we live our lives, but through
collective praise, mediation on God’s word, and the remembrance of our Lord’s death.
We gladly meet frequently and consistently to offer praise to God. |
Loving |
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a church that is truly a family
We welcome into our fellowship every committed disciple, irrespective of spiritual maturity or
background. Because we are a family of Christians — we demonstrate our love for each other in how we interact, we take time to know each other, and we take care of and depend on each other. |
Learning |
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a church where every member is growing and helping others grow
We recognize that the life of every disciple is one of continuous growth. We both desire to grow and are willing to grow by following after truth rather than tradition. We welcome and foster open dialogue in the pursuit of truth. We value learning from each other. We recognize our responsibility to be both teacher and learner as the occasion demands, and therefore seek both to build up and to be built up by interactions with others in the group. |
Serving |
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a church where every member uses his particular talents to serve others
We recognize that each one of us has a gift from God which should be used to serve the needs
of others, whether in the assemblies or away from them. We are each committed to serving God whenever and wherever He calls us to service, and committed to doing our part for the good of
the body. Those who are more mature in the gospel serve by understanding and exercising good leadership in the body. |
Evangelistic |
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a church that reaches out warmly to unbelievers
We are active in reaching out not only to those in our community, but also to people around the world. We have a genuine desire for all people to willingly pursue salvation by honoring Jesus as the Christ and their Lord. |

Past Sermons ( newest on top )
You'll need Adobe Reader to view them. |